August 29, 2013

Our "calling" isn't always our moneymaker.

Semester two of my year at Hillsong is rapidly coming to an end. Crazy to think about and almost unreal to imagine. A whole year!! Coming into Hillsong, I thought a year was the longest time ever and don't get me wrong, some parts have dragged out... but sitting here so close to the end there has definitely been that "oh crap" moment pacing through my brain once or twice. Not as in an "oh crap", I'm going home in a few months. More of an "oh crap", did I learn everything I came here to learn? Am I prepared to go back home and do what I was called to do? I think as college students it's easy to follow a calling that's clear and apparent. It's easy to take the necessary steps towards that calling because, well, you're already flourishing in it. I mean for me, worship leading was and still is something I believe God gifted me in to use in building His kingdom. But does that gifting have to be my calling, or as some people view it... my career?

See this year at Hillsong has taught me a lot. Originally coming here, my "calling" was to be a worship leader at a church. I came to Hillsong to be equipped in ministry (specifically worship leading) so that I would have what it takes to make that my career and how I made my income. I followed my passion and gifting and in return God led me here to college in order to pursue that calling. But being here, I've realized that our "calling" doesn't have to look like our passions and our calling isn't always our "moneymaker". God has called all of us for the exact same thing. That initial call was to come to Him and be in relationship with Him. We put so much pressure on what we think our "calling" or God given job is that we forget that God only really called us to one thing and that one thing is Him. 

In this year, I've learned that I have a huge heart for building the church. I've also learned that I'm pretty decent at graphic design, photography and journalism. I'm saying this because I wish I could say I'm going to leave Hillsong prepared and equipped to be a full time worship leader, but I'm not. Because that's not the calling God placed on my life. He first and foremost called me to be His. Worship leading is a huge passion I have for my generation and believe me, I'll still be leading worship until I'm in heaven. But the point that I'm trying to make (and have had a hard time understanding myself) is that God gives us passions to glorify Him and it doesn't always look glamorous or sustain our living. We just might have to use our other giftings and talents to pay our bills and make our career. It doesn't make us less of a believer and it definitely doesn't mean that we're disobeying the call God placed on our lives. 

If you've felt called to be a worship leader but find yourself freelancing yourself around to different churches just to make your rent that week, a pastor who's church plant failed due to lack of people and resources, a stay at home mother who can't afford to stay home with her babies and considering to work a part time job to make ends meet or a missionary who can't gather enough support to travel to the next poverty stricken country to help people in need... don't loose sight of what God has called you to. Him. It may not be working out like you imagined but He placed that gifting and passion on you for a very significant reason. Use those talents and that stirring in your heart to bless people and ultimately bless Jesus.

Your calling isn't always your moneymaker. Sometimes it's just you glorifying God with your gifts. Once we understand this, our calling gains so much more significance and God can work with it. 


  1. I love this and the reminder that I am first called to be His. I still have very little idea of what I'm doing after I graduate or even what my calling is. I'm encouraged by the fact that everything Jesus calls me to do: love, bring justice, serve, can be done in any career setting. Thanks!


  2. So good. Well said, and much needed.


  3. Youre good! this is great! xx

  4. beyond beautiful, and so very true.
