August 06, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up

This "weeks" wrap up actually is this months wrap up. I have so much to share just about life, Australia, college that I couldn't just condense it down to this week.

1. I got to sing in my first Chapel! Not gonna lie, it's been refreshing being off platform and worshipping in the congregation but getting back up to lead was incredible. You grow such a respect and honor for the platform when you understand the meaning and purpose for it. I know my leading and worship has been changed drastically within these past few months and I can't wait to get back to good ol' Atlanta and just share my passion with the local church.

2. I've been doodling again, thanks to my mum. She sent me a new sketch pad and my favorite Millennium pens. I've been commissioned to do a bunch of blog designs and drawings within the past month and I've been so amazed at how God has just been popping my gifts in front of me. I guess you could call me a Jack of all trades but a master of none. Haha, thankful to say the least. 

3. Kinfolk... Ahhhh :) Micah and I had the privilege to work alongside some of the best at the Kinfolk Honey Harvest. Micah has even been doing a few freelance videos on the side for Kinfolk events and is killin' the game. I'm so proud of him and his willingness to use his incredible talents to create beautiful art.

4. JOBS! About a month and a half ago I posted on loosing my job as well as Micah loosing his. Well. It's amazing to say that God has provided me with not just one job, but TWO! Yes. TWO! I work part time at a bowling alley as a party host and then Saturday mornings I teach gymnastics to a few classes at a dance studio. They both pay amazingly well and it gives Micah the opportunity to focus on his video and to give him a break from working in a cafe the past 8 months! The best part is, none of this effects my college life at all. It fits perfectly within my week so I can still attend full time and serve on my allocated teams. EEK! God is so good.

Weekly (Monthly) Faves:

5 Favorite Posts:
* Our 20 Favorite Photography Posts by A Beautiful Mess
* From the Husband: Our First Year of Marriage by Jenny Highsmith
* Blogging//Being a Business by Lovely Indeed
* Layered Lace Skirt DIY by Sincerely Kinsey
* Something Borrowed by The Daybook

Blog Blog/Site of the Week:
Maiedae!! This blog is a MUST to follow if you love firey red heads who are newly preggers, from Atlanta and amazing at design. Her posts inspire me daily and I can't wait to get home and set up a meet and greet so I can hopefully pick her genius brain!

Inspiring me this week:
* My hubs. He's the best. Check out his work here!

3 Things About Yours Truly:
* I would rather wear sweat pants and a pony tail everyday then have to wear heels for 30 minutes.
* Part of my hair has been every color of the rainbow at least once.
* I have a major girl crush on Natalie Portman.

1 comment:

  1. That is so exciting about your jobs and the opportunities Micah is getting with video!

    It is encouraging to see how God is working in other people's lives.

