January 11, 2013

Sunburn in the City

          I absolutely love summer, but Australia's summer is unlike anything I've experienced thus far. SO hott! Yesterday, Micah had some paperwork he needed to fill out, print and resend to someone he's going to be doing video work for (so exciting!) so since we don't have a car yet, we asked our housemates if we could borrow their bikes to ride over to the school. From our house, it's about a 45 minute walk there so on bikes it takes close to 30 minutes. We geared up with our shorts, tanks and backpacks and started on our journey into the heat. Google Maps took us a terribly busy route and good LORD there were SO many hills. About 15 minutes into the ride, I wanted to throw up. Not only was it hot, but I am not in any kind of athletic shape to be bike riding up hills. We finally arrived to the college and I ran inside to the rest room. I was as red as a lobster. We forgot sunscreen.... In AUSTRALIA! We took a 20 minute break in the cool, air conditioned college so Micah could get his paper work done, grabbed some water and then it hit me... We have to go all the way back, too!  Long story short, 40 minutes later we arrive back at our house with sore muscles, blistered shoulder and dehydrated bodies. Worst 2 hours of my life!!

           But the whole day wasn't bad... We after a 30 minute cold shower and an hour nap, we decided to go into the city where James was recording! So much fun. Darling Harbor had a huge duck just chillin' in the water, kids were running around on some of the most legit jungle gyms I've ever seen and we had delicious Pepper Lunch. Here are some photos of our night in the city... 

There ya go! 

Also, if you guys haven't already seen on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram... Micah and I are trying to raise/save money for a cheap car while we're here. We've been here a little over a week now and have discovered a pretty big need that we didn't budget for. Like we said earlier, the college is about a 45 minute walk from our house and right now being in the middle of summer, a bike ride in this heat isn't safe nor healthy. Also, Micah needing a lot of work probably means he will need to travel even farther to and from. So, here's what we're asking...

A decent car to get us from A to B, registration and insurance cost's around $2,500 here. This is something we've prayed over and once we have steady jobs, we'll be able to add our own money to this goal.

If you're interested in helping us out, visit our GoFundMe page -> (click here)

Thank you in advance for your generous hearts.
With love, The Bearden's 


  1. I love your new blog design. I'm sorry you look like a lobster. You are still beautiful! Much love!
